Pen Pal Program 
QDEP is seeking empathetic and caring people who can provide a means of connection and emotional support to LGBTQIA+ folks in immigration detention through our Pen Pal program. QDEP members describe regular contact via letters from a Pen Pal as a deeply meaningful way to feel cared for and supported during their months-long isolation in detention. Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, most detention centers have been closed for visitation so letters are one of the only ways a detained person can connect with the outside world. Most of our members in detention speak Spanish, so we are seeking Pen Pals who are proficient in written Spanish. We are also looking for Pen Pals with a willingness to commit small amounts of time over a longer period of time to provide our members in detention with consistent contact. Pen Pal Program Attendance Form

Hotline Support 

QDEP is looking for volunteers to answer calls on the QDEP hotline and screen folks in the community or in immigration detention for assistance, connection to legal representation, post-release planning, and more. This may entail speaking with family members or attorneys for individuals in detention.

Host Home Program 

We work to find short term housing for folks that are just arriving post-detention in NYC. These individuals have faced persecution in their home countries, harsh detention facilities, and abuse in the US. They now need transitional housing as they utilize QDEP services, attain employment, and rebuild their lives. QDEP is seeking volunteers who can offer up their homes for as little as 1-3 nights or as much as 1-3 months for a member who recently arrived in NYC. If you are unable to host a member in your home, you can still help by assisting QDEP in recruiting for the host homes program, or provide a financial contribution for a night in a hostel, or one month of housing for a member.

Peer Navigator 

QDEP is actively seeking volunteers to assist members in legal proceedings. The volunteer will be assigned to a client to work with for the duration of their immigration case. The volunteer will work hands-on with the client(s), will accompany clients to appointments, and to legal hearings to offer emotional support (before and after the appointments) and to assist in advocacy. You will not provide legal advice or be allowed to speak in court. The volunteer will also assist in the transition into the U.S./New York City culture (navigating the subway system, the geography of different neighborhoods, LGBTQ community centers, etc.).


Many of our members do not speak English, or English is their second or third language. QDEP needs volunteers (especially Spanish speakers!) who are able to serve as interpreters for events like group member meetings, one-on-one meetings and zoom panel discussions. We are also looking for volunteers who are able to translate our website, social media, blog and newsletter content. Scheduling is flexible and based on the translator’s availability.

Other Volunteer Opportunities Include: 

  • Facilitating Community Meeting Workshops with our members 
  • Contributing various donations (clothing, appliances, gift cards, etc.)

Feel free to complete the volunteer form HERE.